Thursday, November 25

B* # 475

My look of the day!

My look of the day!!

My look of the day!


Hair: !lamb. Honey - Honeycomb
Skin: -tb- {Light} Jejune Luminous  - Light Winged Brows
Dress: tram piping shirts op[mistyrose] NEW
Tights: !Doux Petit Dahl - Crochet Tights SOFT BLACK
Shoes: [LeLutka]-Pow-Powder Pink
Bag: {SMS} Squary Little Bag Grey NEW
Necklace: {SMS} Butterfly Necklace Silver
Rings: LaGyo_Shield rings silver/black

Lots of love,

1 comment:

Blondie Clarity said...

Awww thank you Nicole! <3